Schedule your Activation Call

There is some information we would like to go over with you, we understand you are busy and would like to work around your schedule.

When would be the best time to call you and discuss:

  • Confirm your processing start date
  • Batch Deposit timeline
  • Complimentary supplies
  • Referral rewards
  • Additional Services offered by Hybrid Payments
  1. 1. Contact Person:

  2. 2. Schedule Your Activation Call
    Monday- Friday 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM ET
    Your Activation Call should be scheduled before you begin actively accepting credit cards.
  3. 3. I am interested in the following solutions (check all that apply):
    Loyalty Program
    Gift Cards
    Online Ordering
    Website Integration
    Mobile Processing
    Back up Terminal
    Consumer / Company Analytics Tool
    Business Funding
    EMV Solutions
  4. 4. Account Setup Date:
    When would you like to start swiping credit cards with Hybrid Payments:

Hybrid Paymentactivationcall